I wonder, th0ugh, how this scale might look were it based on income (or cash flow). What do you think? At what point does additional income cease to make a difference, since it really increases neither your control of your time nor your standard of living?
For me, of course, I still measure wealth in time. One thing is certain, though. If you aren't born to wealth, then the only way to get to the other levels is to get control of your time, and use it to focus on expanding your wealth.
Dennis's Wealth Scale
Total assets
£1m-£2m The comfortable poor
£2m-£5m The comfortably off
£5m-£15m The comfortably wealthy
£15m-£40m The lesser rich
£40m-£75m The comfortably rich
£75m-£100m The rich
£100m-£200m The seriously rich
£200m-£400m The truly rich
£400m-£999m The filthy rich
More than £999m The super rich